IRB 5400 high performance paint

Main specifications
Maximum Load of Robot: 65 Kg
Number of axis: 6 axes. 7 when rail-mounted
Static repeatability: 0.15 mm
Path accuracy: +/- 3 mm
Controller:  IRC5P
Range of motion
Rotation: 300º (170º with riser foot)
Vertical arm: 160º
Horizontal arm: 150º
Inner wrist: Unlimited
Wrist bend : Unlimited
Wrist turn : Unlimited
Robot motion speed in º/s
Rotation: 137º/s
Vertical arm: 137º/s
Horizontal arm: 137º/s
Inner wrist: 465º/s
Wrist bend : 350º/s
Wrist turn : 535º/s
Robot Applications

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